While most know of the Nine Hells in some form or the other, most don’t know the true extent of what is there. During my brief time in these Hells, I have learned some basic information to help explain who and what they beings are.

The Nine Layers of the Hells

This entire plane is separated into 9 sections, each ruled by a devil lord. The most powerful of them, Asmodeus, rules the entire plane from the first layer and is king of the Nine Hells.

Each layer is filled with devils trying to obtain more souls to rise in rank or souls being tortured in various ways in accordance with their devil lord or specific crime.

Layer Lord Crime Against Nature
Mephiston Asmodeus, King of the Nine Greed
Mundi Statera Ikaruth the Librarian Cosmic Unbalance
Judicicarium Nefaria Judge Bzkltpt the Magistrate Direct Movement Against the Gods
Ignotum Hologorium Sylaratine, Sylaria, and Sylattoinete the Seamstress Triplets Manipulation of Time
Fornax Obscura Dolna the Soulforger Breaking the Rules of Magic
Rigidum Khaotica Unknown or missing Going Against the Natural Order
Pupa Spectaculum Sharibaird the Puppet Master Absolute Domination of One’s Will
Argos Sanguinis Jazinda the Venator The Early Death of Something
Nekropolis Orcus the Unliving Creation of Undead

The High Chancellors of Asmodeus

Second in command to Asmodeus are his seven High Chancellors. These beings have many names from many cultures such as pit fiends, adjudicators, etc. But they are the ones who make sure the Nine Hells are running efficiently and smoothly.