In my travels, I was once requested by a friend, Roland Martin, to help a group on a mission. During my time with that group, I learned of something called “The Maker.”

The Maker was apparently a hybrid kobold-clockwork entity that was constantly replacing its body parts with updated clockwork machinery. Among its own body, were twisted creations of its own creation as the basis for an army.

The following are snippets are from the personal journals of The Maker and their team of scientists:

“…to create the ultimate, infinite and disposable army for the wizard I have come up with a multitude of creatures. Some were failures and some were successes.

On a smaller scale, my team and I were able to create an elite form of creature specifically tasked and designed to fight magic wielders (HA!). The following creatures were this elite monster simply called ‘Mage Hunter-Slayers’:

Mage Hunter-Slayer 001 - Designation: Absorber

This weapon was designed as a defensive weapon. Created to specifically absorb magical energies to protect their target, it is then able to channel the energy into a beam and fire back. Failing that, it has strong claws and a powerful jaw.

This weapon used samples from a displacer beast, one of the Yuan-Ti, and a rare sample of a creature called a “beholder.

Mage Hunter-Slayer 002 - Designation: Nullifer

MHS-002 is used as crowd control tactic, to illicit a fearful and panicked response in its targets. Powerful to use against the military magical might of such places as Oakenshield and Etheria. This weapon can can cancel out magic as well as produce a mind-numbing sound to confuse and disorient its prey.

This creature used samples from multiple species of Yuan-Ti

Mage Hunter-Slayer 003 - Designation: Reverser

Despite its large and powerful stature, this weapon is actually designed as a more surgical tool. It has the power to stop and actually reverse magical healing. High priority targets will be easier to take down and destroy with this ability. It was designed for maximum movement for these kind of tactics.

This creature used samples from a dire wolf, a gorilla, and Yuan-Ti”

“As far as infantry, we needed something that can be made rapidly, can illicit a feared response, can be completely controlled, and, most importantly, is disposable:
