This is a private page of one of my journals. To publish this page would put not only my own life at risk, but my family, friends, and maybe more of Dothor than I care to think about.

Fey Conduits

Certain beings of Fey Ancestry can have the potential to have stronger connections to their own lineage. These conduits seem to be able to access more powerful magic, easily have more chances to connect to powerful beings, and generally seem to be stronger than other Fey-related beings.

The Everqueens seem to know about these Conduits and have been either using them, capturing them, or collecting them in some fashion. I do not know what the full extent of their plans are, regarding these Conduits. It does seem in some connection with their capture and entrapment of the being, Fenriyar.

The Black Hold

Very little, if anything, is known of The Black Hold. I was unable to find any concrete information on where or what The Black Hold is. Growing up in Etheria myself, it was used as a boogeyman of sorts.

“Take care of what you say, lest the Everqueens throw you in The Black Hold!”

I was able to get hands on experience in a hunt for important items, though. It appears to be a demiplane that can be accessed from inside the Golden Palace of Ascencia. This is both a prison and vault for the Everqueens that is run by a "warden," of some kind.

Fey Conduits seem to be a primary prisoners of this place. Others of note are are clerics with strong connections to their gods, rare dragons from other lands, and even political prisoners such as my father.