While it may seem odd to some, I have had more dealings with devils and demons than anything that would be considered “holy.” On my journeys, I was able to behold the terrifying and awesome presence of one of the Raven Queen’s personal retinue. Thank you to my dear friend, Roland Martin, who was able to supply me with some of this information.

The Seven Terrors of the Raven Queen

Known to some as angels, reapers of death, celestials, The Unknowable, and many other names, these Seven Terrors are considered a “solar.” While a shortened name, a more full but rough translation would be “a being of energy, radiating the cosmic energy into the Nine Gardens to bring life anew and sustain the balance of all.”

Each solar has its own aspect and is ever loyal to the Raven Queen. They also fill a position as a Keeper of the Garden, different layers in what we mortals may call Celestia. These solars shepherd the growth of “The Nine Gardens of Celestia,” as well

While solars are not a being of “evil,” it may be hard to call them a force of “good.” They are a force for balance and a force for death and rebirth. They are to carry out their orders and to serve at the will of the Raven Queen.

Each solar is the embodiment of the Raven Queen’s eternal self

Name Embodiment
Ikari The Unending Rage
Itami The Eternal Pain
Zetsubo The Endless Despair
Kanashimi The All-Consuming Grief
Kusho The Void
Fukushu The Steady Vengeance
Kokai The Everlasting Grief