244 years ago, the world’s political powers were cemented. At this time, the global powers decided to unify a world calendar to help track important events and connect global economics on the same scale. This was set at Year 0 and the time lines now reference Pre-Dothor United (PDU) or Dothor United (DU) when describing years or events. The following shows the world’s history in events that impacted the world or are noteworthy on a global scale

◾ 244 DU - Terrorist Attack in Etheria


244 DU - Brightwoods Assassinated

237-242 DU - The Goblin Wars in Dothor

◾ 219 to 220 DU - The Incursions

🔲 0 DU - Dothor United

◾ -1 PDU - Death of the Red Dragons and Unbroken Mountains is Born

◾ -250 PDU - Council of Scales Selects New Protector of Realms

◾ -255 to -253 PDU - Collapse of the Giant Heirarchy “The Ordening,” the Frost Giant War called “The Coldest Night”

◾ -255 PDU - Sacking of Arkadium

◾ -258 PDU - Death of Crato, Gold Dragon Lord and Protector of Realm

◾ -349 PDU - Pentalliance is Formed

◾ -516 to -504 PDU - Expansion of Etheria

◾ -1456 PDU - Ascension of Etheria to Global Power

◾ -2431 PDU - Idrizraele-Karselridrith-Aghazstahm Conquers Xarsas and is Crowned Lightning Lord

◾ -2530 PDU - Idrizraele-Karselridrith-Aghazstahm Begins Terraforming Desert and Consolidating Power

◾ -2531 PDU - Idrizraele-Karselridrith-Aghazstahm Announces Presence in Xarsas