Building for the last 500 years, the world of Dothor has become set amongst the political powers that be. The three continents of the planet, Xarsas, Dothor, and Ilu (typically referred to as the Isle of Beasts) have either become stable under leadership, are recovering from war, or remain an untamed land.
Jacques Le Faucon’s Guide to Dothor
As empires, alliances, and kingdoms have settled. The continents of this world bring forth different political powers with different wants and needs
Xarsas is large continent northeast of Dothor ruled by an ancient blue dragon named Idrizraele-Karselridrith-Aghazstahm, more commonly referred to as the Lightning Lord. Xarsas has been established longer than any united nation or power, as the Lightning Lord conquered the continent thousands of years ago. Together, with the Lightning Lord’s appointed leaders, the House of Dragons, Xarsas has been a strong global power with no end in sight.
A queendom in the southeast area of the Dothor continent, Etheria established itself as their leaders, the Everqueens, united the high elves into one nation nearly a thousand years ago. Nearly 500 years ago, they expanded their queendom further into Dothor to establish Outer Etheria. The center of magic in the world, Etheria has set themselves as a powerful world presence, uncontested in magical prowess and might.
In the west of the Dothor continent, 5 now major cities are fully established around 350 years ago as humans have been the newest, but fastest growing, humanoid species on this planet. Orlane, Kervot’s Blessing, Trudeau, Arkadium, the newly established Oakenshield band together to give humans a true presence in this world with the power to export, special materials to work with, and a strong, magically military might.
200 years ago, the three dwarven peoples of the mountain ranges in the Dothor continent are united with Ordek Flamebeard killing the last red dragon, Dimmierth, and crowning him War King Ordek Ironbeard. With the attack of the last red dragon over, the Unbroken Mountains have stagnated as they are a war born nation with a king forged in war. ****They currently continue to be blacksmiths and keep a large military, but an unease has been put upon their nation.